I want to grow my skills and career with you.
I am a Junior developer and problem solver. For years I have applied my various skills to repairing and creating solutions for customers. I have been a member and leader of teams that focused on providing efficient methods and workflows that increased not only customer satisfaction but also increased revenue.
I pride myself in being a lifelong learner who enjoys understanding how things work, from lines of code to electrical circuits and material properties. This habit permits me to have a deeper understanding of how things interact in the world, and by extension how best to create and improve them.
I currently hold a B.S. Computer Science, CompTia A+, Project+ and have exposure to a number of programming languages and frameworks.
Fast learner with dedication to producing excellent results. Customer facing soft skills as well as team building and training. Highly adaptable and eager to grow my abilities.
HTML coding along with CSS. Bootstrap elements for reactive sites. Javascript back-end and site scripts. This site was built using these components.
Projects using a number of languages: Java, C++, C#, Javascript, Python, SQL. Using various structures: MVC, DAO, DOM.
Would you like to know more or just discuss something?
I have worked on a number of projects and coding challenges. Some of them are outlined below.
The work behind this website. Bootstrap template customized with my own branding and styling. Custom CSS and JS to power the many animations you see. Links to some of my projects like this one, with carousel's of project images.
Feel free to look around at my code using the links to this projects GitHub repo.
Display numbers between 1 to 100. For every multiple of 3 display "Fizz" instead of the number. For every multiple of 5 display "Buzz" instead of the number. For every multiple of 15 display both, making "FizzBuzz".
This app is fully hosted for you to try or feel free to check out the raw code on GitHub.
Data Science project that projects future student scores with regards to completing a test prep course vs their parental level of education.
This app is fully hosted for you to try or feel free to check out the raw code on GitHub.